KiSThelP 2025 01/10/2025 User Documentation

KiSThelP is intended as a working tool both for the general public and also for more expert users. It has been developed with the aim to facilitate the use of quantum results to compute molecular and reaction properties. It is however far from being exhaustive. Having a Graphical user Interface (GUI), KiSThelP makes it easy to get first results without spending too much time with documentation. Source code is available and free, what enables adding further abilities and improvement of the program by others.

KiSThelP can read its inputs directly from Quantum Chemistry Packages:
KiSThelP is written in the programming language Java. One of the most significant advantages of Java is the ability to run a code on many different systems, thus making KiSThelP platform-independent. Since Java is object-oriented, KiSThelP has been written as a modular program and reusable code. This makes it easy to maintain, modify and extend the existing code as new objects can be created with small differences to existing ones. The reference manual is made available through the Help menu of KiSThelP both for users and developers.

KiSThelP can be used to examine the dependence of some well-known thermodynamic functions (H, S, G, Cv) on temperature and pressure. For example, the logarithimic dependence of the Gibbs free energy on the pressure at constant temperature, or the variation of the entropy with the temperature can be very easily illustrated for an ideal gas. These features make this program well suited to support and enhance students learning of thermodynamics fundamentals, taking the teaching content directly from results in molecular modelling.

KiSThelP is also devoted to rate constant calculations (TST, VTST, RRKM) for elementary reactions.

KiSThelP is an interactive program that allows the user to change input data directly through the GUI, including the vibrational scaling factor, frequency values, potential energy, ...

First of all, the input file format is described. Next, a review of the menus is undertaken.

I Description of KiSThelP Input File

KiSThelP needs data calculated prior to any KiSThelP calculation and obtained from  electronic structure calculations using quantum chemistry package (Ex : GaussianXX, MOLCAS, GAMESS, NWChem, ORCA, MOLPRO, ADF).

Any KisthelP calculation is based on a .kinp input file:

Note that 2 kinds of .kinp input file exists:

We describe below the  input file format for a molecular system (or atom), and for a reaction path (transition state alone, or transition state together with some other IRC points).

How to create a KiSThelP Input File on your own:

       1) For a molecule (or atom)

       2) For a ReactionPath

II How to generate the KiSThelP input file directly from Quantum Chemistry packages

  1. Gaussian
  3. NWChem
  4. ORCA
  6. ADF

III Description of KiSThelP Tools Bar

Different menus are available  in KiSThelP Tools Bar :

  1. The Session Menu
  2. The Data Menu 
  3. The Calculation Menu 
  4. The Window Menu 
  5. The Units Menu
  6. The Help Menu

IV Description of  KiSThelP Temperature Bar

        1) Single  Temperature   Mode

        2) Temperature  Range   Mode

V Description of KiSThelP Pressure Bar

        1) Single   Pressure   Mode

        2) Pressure   Range   Mode